He’s coming.

Monday, September 20, 2010
He’s coming. Did you know that? He is. Oh, I know there are plenty of folks that are skeptics. They say things like, “Preachers have been saying for generation after generation that He’s coming back, and He has yet to…” And they’re right. For generations preachers have been proclaiming that Jesus is coming soon, and He hasn’t yet. But He’s one day closer than He was yesterday, and that’s good news enough for me.
There are many reasons I have full faith that He’s returning, to be honest. But the main one – the foundational reason I believe that He is – well, that’s simple: He said He was. In this book we call the Bible there are actually 66 books compiled together. These books were written by about 40 men over a period of about 1500 years. These men didn’t have email or cell phones. They couldn’t collaborate their stories or information. Yet here it is – God’s Word – inspired by Him through the pens of men. And never once does it contradict itself. That’s pretty impressive.
So when I’m reading its pages and I run across words like, “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory,” my ears perk up. This is a promise, and an awfully good one at that. He’s promised to not leave us in this messed up world forever. He’s coming back – and I trust Him to keep that promise.
I know He can be trusted because He has never broken a promise yet. It’s just that simple. He always keeps them. As a matter of fact, breaking promises isn’t within His character at all. In His holiness and perfection as God, He can only keep His Word. And I’m okay with that, honestly. The only catch is, since He’s coming back, and could at any moment, am I okay with Him coming back at any time in my life?
Are there any things in my personal life that I would be embarrassed for Him to return during? Yes, I know He sees and knows all we do anyway, but there’s something extra intimidating about Him actually returning for me while I’m in the midst of some awful decision, ya know? His return is going to happen in the “twinkling of an eye.” That is a reference to the amount of time it takes for light to glisten off the surface of our eyeball…that’s quick.
He’s coming back. He really is. Are you ready? Are we ready? Is our life ready?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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